Global Outreach: Soaring On Unconditional Love And Radiance
GO SOULAR's First Trip - Ghana, Africa

Our fabulous inaugural team spent two weeks volunteering in the Senchi Ferry community of Ghana in April 2008.  We began each day with prayer, meditation and setting personal intentions, and then ventured off to a construction site to help build a school and also teach children English.  We were immersed into their culture as "Servant Learners", working side-by-side with local village members.  Through this, our consciousness expanded and our hearts opened wider.  We all are grateful for how this experience touched our souls.
Kittie Jill Stanley Linda Pony
Kittie, Rev. Jill, Stanley, Flo ("Pony")
and Linda
  Click HERE to see all of
our photos from our trip!
Our favorite memories of our service trip to Ghana:
"To say that this was a 'trip of a lifetime' or even that it was 'life changing' is too much of a cliche for our experience. The joy we felt by giving even a small part of ourselves to this community is much bigger than any of us expected or could have ever hoped for."
-- Linda Liguori, San Francisco CA
"My favorite memories are the swarming of the little children filled with such joy - that hugging & physical contact. It’s sincere joy, they’re not told to be nice to the new teacher. These children are just natural & they respond to so little affection."
-- Flo "Pony" Frew, Boynton Beach, FL
"My favorite memory was in Joyce’s class, when the kids were clustered all around me, helping me grade. “Check for right, 3 out of 3” and they got so excited and all cheered “YEA”. It became a game. They were so responsive to something new, fun & spontaneous, not part of their everyday."
-- Kittie Rodriquez, Venice, FL
"My favorite memories are of walking in the mornings to school, seeing the faces of the little children and their smiles. The little girl, Massy, her face represents such joy. The knowingness. “Obrani, Obrani” was like song. Saturday morning at the resort, when I went to the beach, waves were coming in, it was my birthday and I was smiling, listening to “Oh Happy Day”. I consciously want to remember that forever."
-- Stanley Bernard, Los Angeles, CA
"My favorite memory is when I was praying with Stanley at the Slave Castle. Absolutely. I felt that the whole intention & all the visionings for GO SOULAR were created for that exact moment, right there, so poignant. I was surrounded by such sacredness & depth, standing on such holy ground. We wept through the entire prayer."
-- Rev. Jill Gwen, Santa Monica, CA
Our whole team with our Senchi Village volunteers at the construction site - a great memory for all of us!
GO SOULAR, a non-profit organization info@GOSOULAR.org Founding Minister - Rev. Jill Gwen Braginets